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Blender - Origins

Origins - EM
In Blender, the ORIGIN is shown as a blue dot. Every object has one. Some users refer to them as the rotational point but origin is Blender's term for them. The reason that 'rotational point' is used is because that's the point in which the object will rotate (will see a bit later). When in EDIT mode, you don't generally move an entire object. If you do and select all parts (vertices, edges and faces) of the object, the origin will remain behind. This may or not be intended but you should know that it will happen. Don't let it be a surprise when you go back to OBJECT mode and rotate or position the object (via the text fields) and the object doesn't react as expected. It's fairly simple to get the origin back to center mass on the 'primitives' that are available in Blender. To see this in action, open THIS Blender file.

Don't just use the R-X option. Try RY and RZ as well. Try using two axes of rotation. Click RXRY. or RXRZ with both selected. Remember that clicking and holding down the MMB and then moving your mouse will let you change the viewing angle. The mousewheel will allow you to zoom in or out.

This shows that the origins are no longer where they originally were (as in cube.003), in the center mass of the object. It also shows that the point of rotation is around the origin, not the center mass of the object. THIS is the Blender file. Feel free to open it and move as described in the graphic below. Remember, right click to select an object. Only the selected object will move in relation to the numbers in the N-panel.

There is a more complex (but not difficult) procedure for getting the origin in a specific location, below, but for simply getting the origin back at center-mass, it's this easy.

Below: EDIT mode is this color. OBJECT mode is this color.

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